"Everybody has a philosophy, in this ancient and very noble sense of the word. But very few writers have Mr. Brass's credentials for presenting his own gay philosophy. Author of numerous works of poetry and science fiction, he's also been involved in gay liberation and gay men's health institutions virtually since their inception. So he knows a little something about survival and it shows. How to Survive Your Own Gay Life is a book that looks forward, not back."
Lambda Book Report.
"A superior and important book. How to Survive Your Own Gay Life is a necessary addition to your gay reference library. It serves as a helpful guide for those unforeseen survival crises."
Lavender Magazine, Minneapolis.
In this indispensable book, Perry Brass starts out with the basics: how to meet men now. (It's easier than you think!)
How to have a relationship with one man (or several) that is both emotionally nourishing and sexually satisfying.
How to deal with financial problems, how to survive and even counter anti-gay violence on the street, at work, or at home, and how to arrive at a core group of feelings and beliefs that will keep you going in a difficult, often hostile, and misleading time.
A full loaded Swiss Army knife for gay survival.
The book for adult gay men. About sex and love, and coming out of repression; about surviving homophobic violence; about your place in a community, a relationship, and a culture. About the important psychic “gay work” and the gay tribe. About dealing with conflicts and crises, personal, professional, and financial. And, finally, about being more alive, happier, and stronger.
221 pages. $11.95 ISBN 0-9627123-9-6
This book is only available on Amazon.
Perry Brass, Author