Your Guide to Life, Happiness, and Emotional and Sexual Fulfillment
In a Closed-Down World
How "kinky" are you? How afraid are you of expressing your own real self?
From the prize-winning, Amazon-bestselling author of The Manly Art of Seduction comes a full G.P.S. system for your own inner life, for your most secret places, where you can safely find the inner peace and emotional and sexual satisfaction you seek.
Perry Brass sees sexuality as another form of worship, and successfully travels that difficult landscape between the spiritual fulfillment so many of us seek and the sexual happiness so many of us yearn for. Written not only for gay men, it will also appeal to bi, curious, and simply shy but adventurous guys as well as women who are exploring the full landscape of their own inner selves, their erotic imaginations, and their own place in an erotic universe.
Desire stands in the great no man's land of human activity: the zone of most conflict, fear and anxiety. It scares us. We are often asked to hate it by those who claim to have given it up for better things and who often, hypocritically, haven t. Their biggest desire is power, and desire, whether you are for it or against it, is a blast furnace of power.
In writing about desire, Perry Brass is addressing much more than mere transitory sexual or material wants. He is dealing with our profound need for completion, identity and enlargement. Understanding the true nature of our desires, recognizing the boundaries we place on these desires as the image we create of ourselves and being able to genuinely share our desires in intimacy with others are essential developments for the spirit of a healthy and progressive person. With an interactive book that calls on the reader to do more than passively reflect on the printed word, Brass explores the many facets of desire how it interacts with religion, with our need for security and of course, with sexuality and how to use that blast furnace of power in the cause of our own evolution and that of our community.
Gay, bisexual and trans people are the healers, builders, artists and believers in a powerful universe that we are especially in contact with. We are part of the secret past as well as the wonderful future. We are allies of women and very strong allies of other men too. Perry s book point the way and gives us tools with which to make the journey. --Out in Jersey June, 2015
About this Book
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Belhue Press; Belhue Press 1st Edition edition (June 15, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1892149206
ISBN-13: 978-1892149206
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces
($3.00 shipping)
Purchase directly from Perry Brass.
Perry Brass, Author